News & Events

Vaccines are Safe and Save Lives

Vaccines do not cause autism. Vaccines are safe and save lives. Vaccines should be given according to the recommended schedule approved by the CDC and AAP in order to best protect children and all of society.  Please see the American Academy of Pediatrics’ … Continue reading

Brain Power Snack Ideas for your Children

With your busy schedule and active lifestyle, it can be difficult to pack healthy snacks for your children. While pre-packaged snacks are an easy choice, they are often loaded with processed ingredients that can be harmful for kids. Here are a few options for easy, … Continue reading

Get Vaccinated Against the Measles!

The American Academy of Pediatrics urges all parents to get their children vaccinated against the Measles on the routine vaccination schedule – or sooner if indicated for travel reasons. There has been a multi-state outbreak of the Measles due to a higher rate of vaccine refusals in California. … Continue reading

Well Visit Scheduling