News & Events

RSV Cases Surging: What Parents Should Know

The last 18 months have been both frightening and frustrating for parents. The pandemic and everything that occurred around it has upended families and especially children. The CDC has recently issued a health advisory for clinicians and caregivers about the increased interseasonal RSV activity in the southern United States and even near us. … Continue reading

Missed Developmental Milestones: When To Worry

All children are individuals who have their own personality, abilities, and strengths. Children may develop different skills at a different rate or age than other children. However, there are some “normal” milestones parents and educators look for to see if a child is developing at a typical rate, … Continue reading

6 Signs Your Child Has A Food Allergy

It seems more children are becoming allergic to certain foods, although the reasons for this situation are largely unknown. Unfortunately, parents won’t know their child is allergic to a certain food until they have a reaction, and that can be quite frightening. … Continue reading

Well Visit Scheduling