News & Events

Lipid Screening

Elmwood Pediatric Group now has an in house cholesterol testing machine at the Clinton Crossings Office. We will soon have one at the Bushnells Basin Office. The AAP now recommends universal cholesterol screening for all children once at 9-11 years of age and again at 18-21 years of age. … Continue reading

Healthy Eating for Toddlers and Every Age

Healthy eating at any age is based on getting a balance of good foods. The amount of food in a serving is what varies by age.
Everyone has heard the “Strive for Five” slogan. We should all eat 5 fruits and vegetables every day. … Continue reading

EPG Updates – physicals and more

UPDATES AT EPG – Physicals, insurance and more
Spring is, hopefully, just around the corner! This is the time when you should start thinking about scheduling your child’s physical. We are currently booking appointments through the end of June.
Students who participate in sports need to be very conscious about the requirements for their annual physical. … Continue reading

HPV Vaccine for Boys

HPV Vaccine now recommended for boys.
The CDC now recommends that all boys starting at age 11 years old get vaccinated against the human papilloma virus (HPV), which is already recommend for girls at the same age. The HPV virus is the most common sexually transmitted virus and can cause cervical, … Continue reading


Miracle Jean Day which raised money for the Children’s Hospital at Strong was a big success! We thank all of our patients and staff who donated money to support this worthy cause. … Continue reading


It is very important that children and teens receive the recommended vaccinations on time.  Please see the health library on this website for details on the vaccination schedule and helpful vaccine information links.  Recently there was a European traveler to Rochester who was found to have Measles infection after he left the area.  … Continue reading

Spring Allergy Alert

Spring is finally here!  Trees are budding, and the flowers are blooming.  Pollen levels rise rapidly, causing allergy symptoms. Typically, if you or your child suffer from allergies in the spring, it is probably an allergy to tree pollens.  Grass and weed pollens may cause  allergic reactions during the summer. … Continue reading

Launch of Our New Website

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new website. – See more at: … Continue reading

Well Visit Scheduling