Dr. Corwin’s December 31, 2013 Retirement

Dr. Robert Corwin will be retiring from the Elmwood Pediatric Group at the end of 2013. Dr Corwin joined the Elmwood Pediatric Group family in 2004. We want to thank Dr. Corwin for all of the wonderful support and care he has, and continues to provide to our Elmwood patients.

During the next 9 months Dr. Corwin will not be accepting any new families, newborns, or pre-natal visits. Dr. Corwin will continue to care for his primary families including any new sibling additions as he transitions care to one of his fellow Elmwood Pediatric colleagues.
Since 1946 the Elmwood Pediatric Group has provided the highest quality of care to generations of families. We look forward to continuing to provide excellent care for your children, adolescents, and young adults, now and well into the future.

Please call our office if you have any questions.

– See more at: https://elmwoodpediatrics.com/news/articles/dr-corwins-december-31-2013-retirement#sthash.93Ym76F9.dpuf


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