Child Mental Health Services

After an initial consultation to discuss the issues your child is dealing with, our providers will make a recommendation to either treat your child within our practice or refer him or her to a qualified specialist. As with all specialist referrals, our providers will stay in communication with the specialists to provide for quality coordination of care for your child.Girl child, psychologist and writing with notes.

Please call us if you would like to schedule a consultation with one of our providers to evaluate an emotional issue your child is facing.

If you are ever concerned that your child is contemplating suicide or injury to self or others, please seek immediate medical attention at an emergency facility or call 911.

We screen for depression at all adolescent well child exams and at mental health consults with the following screening tools:

For more information, visit the “National Institute on Mental Health


The Teen Brain – 7 Things to Know        Anxiety – Tips for Families

Activities to Help Your Child Manage Anxiety

Managing Depression – Tips for Families

Guidelines for Special Time and Time In

Well Visit Scheduling